Before you begin, you want to make sure you've set the stage properly. That is, make sure your bathroom floor (or whatever other surface you're using) is hard and flat. Using a scale on carpet or an uneven surface will throw off the sensors, both mechanical and digital. Pick up the mechanical bathro... read more
I never used a digital kitchen scale until I went to pastry school. Until that point, I had always used measuring cups for everything. Not that I was some great baker. I had very limited knowledge of how to even read a recipe when I decided to attend pastry school. But I knew I wanted to not only ma... read more
Find the best digital luggage scale. Luggage scales are an excellent solution for this. There are several on the market, and you will need to know which are the best luggage scales for your particular needs. First things first, however: what are luggage scales exactly? What Is A Luggage Scale? The c... read more