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The Comparison Of The Electronic Table Scale And The Mechanical Table Scale


    The electronic table is mainly a small electronic b […]

    The electronic table is mainly a small electronic balance that uses the principle of non -electrical electricity testing. It can be placed on hard ground or installed in a foundation pit. It has the characteristics of light weight, convenient movement, many functions, different functions, monitors, and scales, and can be placed according to needs when used. In addition to the functions of weighing, cumulative weight, and peeling weight, it can also be connected to the executive agency and set the upper and lower limit to control the fast and slow ingredients, which can be used as small packaging ingredients.

    The mechanical table scales use the principle of not waiting for arm leverage. Its structure is simple and the measurement is more accurate. As long as there is a flat and solid scale or ground, it can be used.

First of all, according to the process, the electronic table scale uses a weighing sensor, which is generally difficult to cause abnormal damage within the normal measurement range. The mechanical scale will decrease with the sensitivity of the time parts, and there is a weighing error.

    And now more electronic scales are added to the intelligent attribute. Bluetooth connecting the computer or mobile phone can directly obtain the weight of the component and automatically record it, which is more convenient. Take the current intelligent body fat scale, the electronic scale has added Bluetooth connection and BIA biological resistance method measurement technology, and people stand on the scale to detect dozens of physical weight, body fat rate, muscle rate, water, and other dozens of body data.

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